Review status:

Resource: PhilPapers


Purpose: "PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. We monitor all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. We also host the largest open access archive in philosophy. Our index currently contains 2,400,232 entries categorized in 5,408 categories...."

  • 10/5/2018 16:36
  • 2020-02-26 11:35:50
  • Kathy Johnson
  • database
  • Primarily students and faculty in philosophy programs at UNL, UNO, and UNK. Of potential use at UNMC, especially for biomedical ethics. Also for anyone interested in ethics in business, technology, the environment, animals, and professional ethics
  • None of the above, as far as I can tell.
  • $ 1,315 for 2019 per
  • no
  • Nice to have
    Need to have
  • Additional information supplied later:

    • tabled

    10/05/2018 4:36 PM : Several philosophy professors have requested this resource for the past two years. The price is very reasonable, given the comprehensive coverage in this database. They would rate this a level 5, critical, although I am rating it at 4, since they can access it off campus on their own, if they want to.

    02/26/2020 11:15 AM - Kathy Johnson : NOTE: this is a subscription, not a one time purchase.

    02/26/2020 11:15 AM - Kathy Johnson : NOTE: this is a subscription, not a one time purchase.