Review status:
Resource: MapVault--EastView
Publisher: EastView: MapVault, International Affairs journal online, Military Research Collection
Purpose: to full the Mazour foundation fund--to focus on Russian resources
- 04/29/2021 15:26
- 2021-05-11 16:39:35
- Charlene Maxey-Harris
- reference
- global studies, history, modern language
- MapVault annual subscription pricing: Base Package: $1500; Africa: $3200; Asia: $2240; Europe: $1680; Americas: $2800; Pacific: $2800; Full Package: $9800 (Reflects 30% discount for all other modules). Also: Up-front payment option of $70,000 one-time with $1500/year annual update fee for the full-package. See for content of packages. International Affairs (ISSN 1938-2588) current online subscription via EBSCO: $963/yr. Military Collections (digitized microfiche of Russian-language documents, hosted on Eastview platform - see list at Total price for 19 collections: $83,986; h
- no